The Beginning

As I begin my first month of Revolution Twelve… no alcohol… I’m embarking on a journey which I feel at first appears quite individualistic but which I think potentially has much bigger implications.

You see I’m not just giving up alcohol (or doing all the other 11 things) just for the benefits they potentially have for me but also for the benefits they potentially have for those around me; my family, friends, colleagues, strangers as well as the planet.
I’ll start with booze as that’s where I’m at (October 2018). It can connect us socially, or appear to at least. I have many fond nights revelling with friends. I love the feeling of being a bit tipsy and in some ways the braveness and confidence this can bring. I also have many memories of gut wrenching mornings when I’ve woken up, not physically sick but with “the dreads” as I wonder what a fool I made of myself, who I offended or what I did.
Right now, I feel (except for those moments where a little bit of alcohol can possibly bring greater connection when you’re feeling a bit socially anxious) in general alcohol is bad for me and my relationships, for my sleep, for my body and it’s bad when I feel as though an evening is missing something if I’ve not got a glass of alcohol in my hand.