Join the Revolution!

Anyone can check out the monthly challenges and take part, but at the moment, access to Teams and the Hacks & Ideas content is by invitation only. If you'd like to get involved in helping us to test and grow Revolution Twelve, you can express an interest in becoming a champion by filling in the form below.

Calling Champions...

If you like the sound of Revolution Twelve, why not help us to test and grow the idea... We're looking for people who will engage in most, if not all of the monthly challenges, and recruit between two and five friends to take part in challenges. The role of a champion is to set up and lead a Team support group, which is one of the most effective ways of helping people stick with and succeed at the challenges.

It's not a huge commitment and we'll give you guidance and practical support to get things up and running. There's no cost or catch. We're just looking for enthusiastic people to help grow and improve Revolution Twelve.

If you think this sounds like you, please complete the form below. Thanks!