Who Are You Guys?

We are a couple, Anita and Stuart. We both have normal(ish) jobs. We’ve got pre-school aged twins and we live in the south east of the UK. Over the years we have taken on a few life challenges, like not buying any new things for a year. We’ve also done … Read More

2019 So Far

Things we have learnt, what we have tried, what has worked and what hasn’t in the world of Revolution Twelve in the first quarter of 2019… January – we took up veganism for a month. Fitting in with the Veganuary movement, which has become quite well established this year. Most … Read More

More Free Beer!

My second encounter with free beer last night and first with a confused reaction when I turned it down… I’m playing in a band at a local event in a couple of weeks time. Part of the deal is that we get free beer. The person organising the band collared … Read More

Free Beer!

Conflicting emotions yesterday afternoon as, at the end of a workshop day which I attended, free beers were offered up for a networking session… My frugal, freeloading natural state had to be suppressed as I sheepishly poured myself a glass of tap water. Socially, it wasn’t an issue at all … Read More


I don’t think I have a particularly addictive nature, but I still get urges to have a drink now and then. On Saturday evening our twins were being particularly challenging at bed time and I definitely found myself thinking that it would be nice once they were finally asleep to … Read More

Alcohol: Likes & Dislikes

Things I like about alcohol, or that I will miss when giving it up: It tastes nice. Or at least most of what I drink these days does. I like feeling tipsy. Not drunk, but being a bit loose and floaty is nice. I feel more confident, socially. I still … Read More

How Much Do I Drink?

I consider myself a light-to-moderate drinker. But I’m not certain. I don’t go out much these days (young kids), but I do like a beer or glass of wine of a weekend. Or sometimes of a Tuesday. I reckon, on average, I probably consume in the region of 3-6 glasses … Read More

Giving Up Booze

One of the nice things about taking on a challenge for a limited period is that it provides an opportunity and a reason to read around the thing and become better informed, in addition to actually doing the thing… We’re looking at giving up booze in October. It’s something we’ve … Read More