Things I like about alcohol, or that I will miss when giving it up:
- It tastes nice. Or at least most of what I drink these days does.
- I like feeling tipsy. Not drunk, but being a bit loose and floaty is nice.
- I feel more confident, socially. I still get self-conscious, but definitely less so with a drink or two.
- Er, that’s it I think…
Things I dislike about alcohol, or which I’m looking forward to saying goodbye to:
- Hangovers. Not that I often drink enough to get one, but when I do, I’m really not good or fun to be around. It is not uncommon for a hangover to make me feel physically ill for a full day.
- Being drunk. I don’t like being out of control in any sense. I don’t like feeling that I’m saying or doing things which are silly, embarrassing, rude or dangerous.
- The cost. I’m a bit tight anyway, but I loathe paying a fiver for mediocre beer at a bar.
- Just knowing that it’s generally not a healthy thing to be putting into my body. In the same way that eating chocolate feels just generally unhealthy.
Also, I strongly dislike other people being drunk. I especially hate people who become obnoxious, rude or violent when drunk. I think I’m a fun drunk and most people I know are too, but it’s a fine line between life of the party and complete arsehole in my opinion…