We are a couple, Anita and Stuart. We both have normal(ish) jobs. We've got pre-school aged twins and we live in the south east of the UK.
Over the years we have taken on a few life challenges, like not buying any new things for a year. We've also done stuff like cycle across Europe and India. So, I guess we're kind of into pushing ourselves in various ways. But fundamentally, we're a pretty normal family.
We started Revolution Twelve a few years ago as a little project for ourselves (it didn't have a name back then). We had absolutely no plans to make this into a 'thing'. Let alone build a website and everything which has followed. We just liked the idea of a yearly cycle of personal challenges.
As we started doing it and formalising the structure of the monthly challenges, a few friends asked whether they could join in. Sure, we said. As more friends expressed an interest, we felt it would be useful to have a central resource as a tool for explaining the concept and the details of the monthly challenges. Then friends of friends asked to join in. And it's kind of started snowballing from there...
We're not sure where this project is going long term, but we're enjoying the challenges and excited to have so many people joining in with us each month!